Project Description: | This project consisted of the following: - designing and implementing capacity building on issues related to planning/monitoring, reporting, youth engagement, youth- and gender-sensitive planning/budgeting:
- designing and deliver a package of hands-on, participatory training and on-the-job coaching support to up to 18 targeted municipal officials (6 per each partner municipality)
- delivering 6 days of training for the targeted municipal officials from partner municipalities (2 days training for each municipality)
- delivering 9 days on-the-job coaching support to the targeted municipal officials
- organising 3 joint co-design workshops to elaborate on and recommend the potential solutions for the youth challenges and concerns all together through a co-design process
- providing 3 days of hands-on training to youth groups on preparation of CVs, motivation letters, techniques of interviews, interpretation of vacancy announcements, and Terms of References
- coaching officials from the respective economic development and agriculture departments on designing 3 Quick Impact Projects
- preparing and submitting the final report