Projektet Zhvillimore Ndërkombëtare

Start Date/End Date:28.05.2018 / 29.06.2018
Sectors:Training / Consultancy
Client:Unite Nations (UN) WOMEN
Donor:Unite Nations (UN) WOMEN
Project Name:Training, Advocacy, and Event Organising Services
Project Description:This project consisted of the following:


  • organising and providing training sessions of institution staff offering services to domestic violence victims
  • organising round tables with stakeholders, municipal assembly members, civil society, businesses, media on domestic violence challenges and recommendations
  • organising theatre play awareness raising activity
  • organising and implementing an advocacy campaign on domestic violence awareness with rural communities, municipal assembly members, and other stakeholders
  • mentoring and coaching the domestic violence co-ordination mechanism members in organisation and management techniques
  • organising advocacy campaign
  • compiling the consultancy and training report
Country: Kosovo
Start Date/End Date: 10.10.2017 / 10.10.2017
Beneficiary: Businesses from the Municipalities of Dragash/Dragaš, Mitrovica/Mitrovicë South, Štrpce/Shtërpcë, Viti/Vitina, Vushtrri/Vučitrn, and Zubin Potok/Zubin Potok.
Status: Completed
Sectors: Projektet Zhvillimore Ndërkombëtare
Client: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – INTERDEV 2 Project
Donor: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Project Name: Organising of National and International Business to Business (B2B) Events
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • organising and implementing two business-to-business events for businesses in selected municipalities of Kosovo (Dragash/Dragaš, Mitrovica/Mitrovicë South, Štrpce/Shtërpcë, Viti/Vitina, Vushtrri/Vučitrn, and Zubin Potok/Zubin Potok).
Country: North Macedonia
Start Date/End Date: 10.09.2017 / 01.04.2018
Beneficiary: Businesses from the Municipalities of Korça, Maliq, and Devoll
Status: Completed
Sectors: Businesses from the Municipalities of Korça, Maliq, and Devoll
Client: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – INTERDEV 2 Project
Donor: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Project Name: Organising of National and International Business to Business (B2B) Events
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • organising and implementing two business-to-business events for businesses in selected municipalities of Albania (Devoll, Korça, and Maliq).
Start Date/End Date:08.09.2017 / 01.07.2018
Beneficiary:Businesses from the Municipality of Korça, Maliq, and Devoll
Sectors:Businesses from the Municipality of Korça, Maliq, and Devoll
Client:United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – INTERDEV 2 Project
Donor:United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Project Name:Organising of National and International Business to Business (B2B) Events
Project Description:This project consisted of the following:


  • organising and implementing two business-to-business events for businesses in selected municipalities of Albania (Devoll, Korça, and Maliq).
Start Date/End Date:04.09.2017 / 29.11.2019
Client:United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – INTERDEV 2 Project
Donor:United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Project Name:Design and Organising four Business-to-Business events in the Economic Region East and Economic Region South of Kosovo and Western Balkans 
Project Description:This project consisted of the following:


  • designing and implementing four business-to-business events in the Balkan region for businesses producing dairy products, honey, textile, forest fruits, as well as the gastronomy sector:

(i) October 2017 – Municipality of Mitrovicë/Mitrovica South, Kosovo, with businesses from Mitrovicë/Mitrovica South, Vushtrri/Vučitrn, and Zubin Potok/Zubin Potok municipalities

(ii) April 2018 – Municipality of Struga, North Macedonia, with businesses from Kerçova, Pllasnica, and Struga

(iii) July 2018 – District of Korça, Albania, with businesses from Devoll, Korça, and Maliq

(iv) September 2019 – Municipality of Pejë/Peć, Kosovo, with businesses from Istog/Istok, Klinë/Klina, and Pejë/Peć

  • arranging the logistics required for the implementation of the business-to-business events, including the following:
  • identifying and outreaching to selected businesses
  • arranging invitations, transportation, and accommodation
  • offering language interpretation services
  • producing promotional materials for selected businesses and products
Start Date/End Date:01.09.2017 / 01.09.2019
Beneficiary:Businesses from the Municipalities of Istog/Istok, Klinë/Klina, and Pejë/Peć
Sectors:Businesses from the Municipalities of Istog/Istok, Klinë/Klina, and Pejë/Peć
Client:United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – INTERDEV 2 Project
Donor:United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Project Name:Organising of National and International Business to Business (B2B) Events
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

implementing two business-to-business events for businesses in selected municipalities of Kosovo (Istog/Istok, Klinë/Klina, and Pejë/Peć),

Start Date/End Date:25.08.2017 / 19.10.2017
Beneficiary:Farmers from the Municipalities of NovoBrdo/Novobërdë, Pejë/Peć, Prizren/Prizren, and Vushtrri/Vučitrn
Sectors:Vocational Training in the Agriculture Sector
Client:HELP – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V.
Donor:German Foreign Office
Project Name:Vocational Trainings in the Agriculture Sector 
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • providing on-the-spot consultancy services for farmers from the selected municipalities of Kosovo (NovoBrdo/Novobërdë, Pejë/Peć, Prizren/Prizren, and Vushtrri/Vučitrn).
Start Date/End Date:25.05.2017 / 30.06.2017
Beneficiary:United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK)
Sectors:Product Development
Client:United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK)
Donor:United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
Project Name:Provision of Public Information Products Concerning Language Rights in Kosovo
Project Description:
  • This project consisted of the following:
  • conducting desk research on what has been done with regards to language rights in Kosovo
  • identifying and annotating a glossary with 200 legal words in both Albanian and Serbian languages
  • preparing and designing a pocket-sized legal glossary booklet for the general public
  • printing of 500 copies of the legal glossary booklet and delivering it to Kosovo Judicial Council and Kosovo Prosecutorial Council
  • preparing and providing information sessions on language rights in Kosovo in both Albanian and Serbian languages
Start Date/End Date:27.01.2017 / 10.03.2017
Beneficiary:Farmers from Krushë e Vogël/Mala Kruša village
Sectors:Trainings Services
Client:HELP – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V.
Donor:German Foreign Office
Project Name:Organising of Vocational Training Support to Socio-Economic Stability through Empowerment of Micro Business Sector in Kosovo
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • Developing curricula, organising, and delivering training on the following topics:
  • cheese production (white, yellow, and cheese with spices – including recipe development)
  • yoghurt production
  • sour milk production
  • cottage cheese production
  • pasteurisation with 1-day expiry date
  • organising and implementing a two-day study visit at a local dairy
  • producing training certificates for participants
Start Date/End Date:21.11.2016 / 01.10.2017
Beneficiary:Farmers from the Municipalities of Dragash/Dragaš and Shtërpcë/Štrpce
Sectors:Eco Farming
Client:United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Donor:United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Project Name:Consultancy Services to the Producers within Value Chains to Promote Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Resources
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • informing selected men and women in agriculture about eco-friendly farming methods and rural agro-tourism relevance to the value chain producers (cattle-breeders, raspberry farmers, beekeepers, forest fruits, and herb collectors)
Start Date/End Date:18.09.2015 / 15.07.2016
Beneficiary:Businesses from the municipalities of Dragash/Dragaš and Shtërpcë/Štrpce, and the Region of Prizren/Prizren
Sectors:Business Consultancy and Event Organising
Client:United Nations Development Programme – UNDP
Donor:United Nations Development Programme – UNDP
Project Name:Organising of National and International Business to Business (B2B) Events
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • organising and holding business-to-business events between selected businesses from Dragash/Dragaš and Shtërpcë/Štrpce municipalities with businesses from the Region of Prizren/Prizren.
Country:North Macedonia
Start Date/End Date:18.09.2015 / 29.09.2016
Beneficiary:Businesses from the municipalities of Dragash/Dragaš and Shtërpcë/Štrpce, Kosovo, and the Municipality of Gostivar, North Macedonia
Sectors:Business Consultancy and Event Organising
Client:United Nations Development Programme – UNDP
Donor:United Nations Development Programme – UNDP
Project Name:Organising of National and International Business to Business (B2B) Events
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • organising and holding business-to-business events between selected businesses from Dragash/Dragaš and Shtërpcë/Štrpce municipalities with businesses from the Municipality of Gostivar, North Macedonia.
Start Date/End Date:18.09.2015 / 07.04.2016
Beneficiary:Businesses from the Municipalities of Dragash/Dragaš and Shtërpcë/Štrpce, and Fier, Albania
Sectors:Event Organising and Business Networking
Client:United Nations Development Programme – UNDP
Donor:United Nations Development Programme – UNDP
Project Name:Organising of National and International Business to Business (B2B) Events
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • organising and implementing business-to-business events between selected businesses from Dragash/Dragaš and Shtërpcë/Štrpce municipalities with businesses from the District of Fier, Albania.
Country:Kosovo, Albania, and Macedonia
Start Date/End Date:18.09.2015 / 30.11.2016
Beneficiary:Municipality of Dragash/Dragaš, Municipality of Shtërpcë/Štrpce, Businesses andFarmers from Kosovo, Albania, and North Macedonia
Sectors:Event Organising and Business Networking
Client:United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Donor:United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Project Name:Design and Organising of four Business-to-Business events in the Economic Region East and Economic Region South of Kosovo and Western Balkans
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • establishing a communication and co-operation network for creating export opportunities of local products by producers and businesses of Dragash/Dragaš and Štrpce/Shtërpcë municipalities with the producers and businesses from the Economic Region East, Kosovo, the District of Fier, Albania, the Municipality of Gostivar, North Macedonia, and the Economic Region South, Kosovo.
Start Date/End Date:18.09.2015 / 26.11.2015
Beneficiary:Businesses from Dragash/Dragaš and Štrpce/Shtërpcë Municipalities, and the Region of Gjilan/Gnjilane
Sectors:Business Consultancy and Event Organising
Client:United Nations Development Programme – UNDP
Donor:United Nations Development Programme – UNDP
Project Name:Organising a Business-to-Business Event
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • organising and holding business-to-business events between selected businesses from Dragash/Dragaš and Shtërpcë/Štrpce municipalities with businesses from the Region of Gjilan/Gnjilane.
Start Date/End Date:21.05.2015 / 22.05.2015
Beneficiary:Health Sector of Kosovo
Sectors:Business Consultancy and Investment Promotion
Client:Progressive Health Consulting (PHC)
Donor:Progressive Health Consulting (PHC)
Project Name:Event Organsing & Translation Services
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • organising and a holding national Health Day in Kosovo event, with participation from government officials, doctors, and other relevant participants from the health sector.
Start Date/End Date:27.03.2015 / 30.06.2015
Beneficiary:Dragash/Dragaš and Štrpce/Shtërpcë Municipalities, Businesses, Farmers, NGOs, and Informal Associations.
Client:United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Donor:United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Project Name:Trainings in Municipality of Dragash/Dragaš and Shtërpcë/Štrpce
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • organising and training sessions dedicated to municipal staff, local small businesses and farmers, NGOs, and in informal associations in Dragash/Dragaš and Shtërpcë/Štrpce municipalities.
  • providing training on the following topics: agriculture challenges and rural grant schemes from the Kosovo Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Rural Development (MAFRD, strategic planning, project cycle management, human resource management, NGO management, branding process and procedures, training on Local Development Fund (LDF), call for applications, training on application procedure for EU projects and EU grant schemes, and preparation and implementation of communication plans/strategies.
Start Date/End Date:25.03.2014 / 15.04.2015
Beneficiary:USAID’s Community Action Initiative Program (CAIP)
Client:Mercy Corps
Donor:United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Project Name:End-Line Survey on Common Interest
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • conducting an end-line survey with 1,050 respondents from municipalities populated with the non-majority communities in Kosovo.
  • evaluating non-majority community attitudes related to the shared interest with majority community in terms of cooperation and issues related to their quality of life.
  • comparing the results to determine the percentage change in the percentage of the people who believe they share common interests with members of other communities through comparing the results of this end-line survey with the established baseline.
Start Date/End Date:13.05.2013 / 10.08.2010
Beneficiary:USAID Young Entrepreneurs Program (YEP)
Sectors:Consulting services – capacity building
Client:Education Development Center Inc. (EDC)
Donor:United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Project Name:Mentoring and Coaching of Young Entrepreneurs
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • supporting young entrepreneurs to develop new businesses by encouraging their innovating and entrepreneurial spirit through financial and technical assistance.
  • providing business development services including mentoring and coaching new businesses in commencement of their business plans.
Start Date/End Date:01.10.2012 / 28.10.2012
Beneficiary:Forum Syd Staff
Sectors:Consulting Services and Capacity Building
Client:Forum Syd Kosovo Programme
Donor:Forum Syd Kosovo
Project Name:Capacity Building of FSKP Staff in Fundraising and Strategic Planning
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • providing 10-day capacity building training to Forum Syd staff on fundraising and strategic planning.
Start Date/End Date:27.09.2012 / 28.09.2012
Beneficiary:Civil Society Organisations
Sectors:Training Services
Client:Forum Syd Kosovo Programme
Donor:Forum Syd Kosovo
Project Name:Training Services on Strategic Planning
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • organising and implementing workshops on the following:
  • reviewing existing strategic plans of partner organisations
  • reviewing long-term planning
  • defining current needs and future focus
Start Date/End Date:19.06.2012 / 20.06.2012
Beneficiary:Civil Society Organisations
Sectors:Training Services
Client:Forum Syd Kosovo Programme
Donor:Forum Syd Kosovo
Project Name:Project Cycle Management Training
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • organising and providing project management methodologies, as follows: programming, identification, formulation, financing, implementation, and evaluation.
Start Date/End Date:02.04.2012 / 15.05.2012
Beneficiary:USAID Systems for Enforcing Agreements and Decisions (SEAD)
Sectors:Consulting services – capacity building
Client:Checchi and Company Consulting, Inc.
Donor:United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Project Name:Organising and Conducting Five Focus Groups
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • developing and implementing a system of focus group discussions on contract enforcement.
  • preparing an analytical outcome report of the focus group discussions
Start Date/End Date:01.04.2012 / 01.03.2013
Beneficiary:USAID Business Enabling Environment Program (BEEP)
Sectors:Consulting services and Capacity Building
Client:Chemonics International, Inc.
Donor:United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Project Name:Technical Support to Implementing Partner with Local Business Advocates in Kosovo
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • providing direct support to municipal project co-ordinators
  • analysing information and identifying root causes of business environment constraints
  • developing strategic recommendations to remove business environment constraints
  • sharing recommendations with project shareholders for feedback
  • monitoring the implementation of the recommendations
Start Date/End Date:15.03.2011 / 13.04.2011
Beneficiary:Kosovo and Greek Businesses
Sectors:Business Consultancy and Investment Promotion
Client:Thessaloniki Port Authority
Donor:Thessaloniki Port Authority
Project Name:Organising of Business-to-Business Event
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • organising and implementing business-to-business meeting event for Kosovo businesses and Greek businesses.
Start Date/End Date:02.08.2010 / 01.09.2010
Beneficiary:Municipality of Novo Brdo/Novobërdë
Sectors:Project development
Client:Municipality of Novo Brdo/Novobërdë
Donor:Municipality of Novo Brdo/Novobërdë
Project Name:Project Grant Application for the Municipality of Novo Brdo/Novobërdë
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • Preparing a project application for the Municipality of Novo Brdo/Novobërdë to obtain funds from the Swiss Kosovo Local Governance and Decentralization Support – LOGOS Project.
Start Date/End Date:01.07.2010 / 01.08.2016
Beneficiary:Selected Scholarship Students
Donor:European Union (EU)
Project Name:EU Scholarship Scheme – Round IV
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • providing an English trainer to the EU-funded Scholarship Scheme-Round IV Project.
  • preparing and delivering of English Academic Writing Course.
Start Date/End Date:10.05.2010 / 10.05.2010
Beneficiary:Kosovo Private Sector
Sectors:Business Consultancy and Investment Promotion
Client:Italian Trade Agency (ITA) 
Donor:Italian Trade Agency (ITA) 
Project Name:Organising of Business-to-Business Event
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • organising and implementing a business-to-business event for Kosovo businesses and Italian businesses operating in the agricultural sector.
Start Date/End Date:24.04.2010 / 24.04.2010
Beneficiary:Kosovo and Italian Businesses
Sectors:Investment Promotion and Event Organizing
Client:Italian Trade Agency (ITA) 
Donor:Italian Trade Agency (ITA) 
Project Name:Organising of Business-to-Business Event
Project Description:

This project consisted of the following:

  • organising and implementing a business event to present the “Milano Construction Fair” to Kosovo businesses.